
When I was a teenager I used to harangue my mother with questions about hypothetical situations, many of them involving Eleanor Roosevelt (“would you rather have dinner with Eleanor Roosevelt or be able to breathe under water?”). Eleanor Roosevelt impressed me; she was a fearful kid who grew up to be the most powerful woman of her day.  “Do one thing every day that scares you,”  she wrote.  I’m leaving tomorrow and I’m really excited and, well, kind of scared because I don’t know what’s going to happen.  Like in improv.  Here’s a picture of the young Eleanor Roosevelt, whose maiden name and married name were exactly the same.  More when I arrive in Islamabad.

Would you rather?

18 Replies to “Tomorrow…”

    1. 💕 enjoy and be safe. A little scared is a good thing. Can’t wait to keep hearing about your adventures.

      1. Thanks, Melinda! Am at O’Hare, about to begin leg two of the flight. AHHHHHHH!!!!! Love, Jimmy

      1. Thanks! I’ll be thinking of you and Tom and Dennis in Utah…a beautiful state! Love, Jim

    1. I always sensed it was an economical decision. Happy Emmylou Harris’ birthday!

  1. Looking forward to reading more! And pictures! Don’t you worry about the weather in MN.

    1. I feel satiated with this winter, quite pleasantly so. Have a happy Emmylou Harris’ birthday, thin as it may be. (Thanks for following this thing).

  2. “I used to harangue my mother with questions about hypothetical situations” really? You harangued everyone! Loved your video of the cat, I hope you have better success 😉
    Love you and be safe,

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